Top Reasons People Run Away From Christians
This is one of the first questions that we have to discuss during the small group conference led by Garry Poole. I thought it was interesting to think about how "annoying" Christians are, and how often I/we do those things. The order is random.
1. Christians are hypocrite. They talk the talk but never walk the walk
2. Christians are boring. (They don't know how to party)
3. Christians are all about rules. (so many things that you can't do as a Christians)
4. Christians are judgmental and narrow minded>
5. Christians think about their non-Christians as projects
6. Christians tend to talk a lot and preachy
7. Christians are often in their own world (bubble)
8. Christians are weak
9. Christians gossip a lot
10. Christians speak another language (all those crazy lingo)
what do you not like about Christians?
1. Christians are hypocrite. They talk the talk but never walk the walk
2. Christians are boring. (They don't know how to party)
3. Christians are all about rules. (so many things that you can't do as a Christians)
4. Christians are judgmental and narrow minded>
5. Christians think about their non-Christians as projects
6. Christians tend to talk a lot and preachy
7. Christians are often in their own world (bubble)
8. Christians are weak
9. Christians gossip a lot
10. Christians speak another language (all those crazy lingo)
what do you not like about Christians?
I have a lot of good Christian friends, and I actually enjoy reading the Bible. But when people think you are going STRAIGHT to Hell, it could get a bit annoying...
Posted by 陶樂絲鄧 | 9/24/2006 11:01:00 PM
嗯...感覺最近這裡沒什麼人來阿 (沒什麼回應)
可能太不常更新了:p 那其實也不錯啦,以後可以寫一些比較奇怪的東西。
寫這篇只是想說:基督徒跟普通人一樣,是很容易就犯很多錯誤的,而且常常自己不知道 或是不願意承認,但應該都不是故意的。一個健康的基督徒是會試著活出一個發光的生命來。那什麼是發光的生命呢? 去問你認識的基督徒吧! 這裡暫時不討論。
Posted by danio | 9/27/2006 12:46:00 AM
I would say that points 2,3,and 8 are merely superficial (and incorrect) knowledge about christianity, whereas others (points on hypocrisy, being gossipy and judgemental etc) are true pitfalls for all christians ...
Only God is complete.
I am just a random christian by the way :D Nice to meet you~
Posted by Anonymous | 1/08/2007 05:09:00 AM