Wellness Room
At work, there is a room on my floor called "wellness room". It's just a small room with a bed in it, and there is a sign that you can turn to show that it's "occupied".
When i saw it for the first time, I thought it's pretty ridiculous that people would dare to sleep at work, but I was also very curious if people would actually do it.
It's right by the restroom area, so whenever I walk by, I always take a peek. It's usually empty. Today around 4pm, i actually had the temptation to go nap for a 15 min. But the sign says "occupied", and the door was shut >_< I was disappointed to walk back to my office.
i guess u do need it once in a while.
When i saw it for the first time, I thought it's pretty ridiculous that people would dare to sleep at work, but I was also very curious if people would actually do it.
It's right by the restroom area, so whenever I walk by, I always take a peek. It's usually empty. Today around 4pm, i actually had the temptation to go nap for a 15 min. But the sign says "occupied", and the door was shut >_< I was disappointed to walk back to my office.
i guess u do need it once in a while.
我還是老問題:What kind of company are you working at??
Posted by Anonymous | 10/26/2006 07:09:00 AM
以前有提過 我覺得公司最好的部門就是HR。他們真的很認真替員工提供一個良好的工作環境。還常常要想點子娛樂大家。其他部門就馬馬啦。 每個人
Posted by danio | 10/30/2006 12:07:00 AM
聽起來真棒!!! 你們公司在 LA or SJ 有沒有分公司阿??? 哈哈
Posted by Anonymous | 10/30/2006 09:49:00 AM