鳳梨列車 XD
左邊這是一個在西雅圖派克市場 (Pike Place Market)附近的一個路標,其實就我家附近啦。常常看到,但一直以為是天線還甚麼的,直到最近才知道是被風吹反的雨傘。今天終於深深的體會到為什麼用那個來象徵西雅圖。原來這裡風很大阿。今天上班,走走走一陣強風,竟然頭被自己的雨傘打到 -___- 然後就變成那形狀變不回來了。
雖然風大雨大,今天是第一次有感覺到有住在下雨有名西雅圖。也學到了一個新名詞 「鳳梨列車」(Pineapple Express) 基本上就是一個從夏威夷來的密集濕暖氣流系統,會帶來很多很多的雨。因為從種很多鳳梨的夏威夷來,所以才叫做鳳梨列車,很妙吧 ^^
I thought I’d flip through the web to read up on the happenings, here is what I found on the front page of various sites — ordered by freak out level…Seattle Times ( what the locals care about )
Heavy rains cause nightmare traffic, flood worriesCNN ( accurate )
Heavy rains drench Washington, one deadMSNBC ( chances are good but it’s still speculation )
Washington state braces for record floodingFox News ( we’re all going to die!!! ^^ )
Washington Braces for Heavy Floods -
State of emergency declared in Evergreen State after rainstorm that could spark natural disaster of epic proportions
I better go home now, wouldn’t want to be at street level when the tsunami hits. ^^;;
i heard this on the news. hope u r ok.
Posted by sophia | 11/07/2006 07:47:00 PM